Inj. Nexivel

Inj. Nexivel

Nexivel is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) and cyclooxygenase inhibitor. It is a potent analgesic, antipyretic, and anti-inflammatory. NSAIDs work by inhibiting the body’s production of prostaglandins and other chemicals that stimulate the body’s inflammatory response. NSAIDs are quickly absorbed into the bloodstream. Pain relief and fever reduction usually start within one to two hours.

Product Name & Composition

Inj. Nexivel
Each ml contains: Flunixin Meglumine – 83 mg , (equivalent to Flunixin 50 mg)


100 ml & 20 ml Glass Vials


Nexivel is indicated for the control of pyrexia associated with bovine respiratory disease, endotoxemia and acute bovine mastitis. Nexivel is also indicated for the control of inflammation in endotoxemia.

Administration & Dosage

For IM, IV use
Large Animals: 1.1 mg to 2.2 mg per kg body weight
(For 400 Kg animal: 10 ml)
Dogs: 1 mg per kg body weight given by slow I/V or I/M injection route.
