Vitamin A,D3,E,H Injection (Advit DE+H)

Vitamin A,D3,E,H Injection (Advit DE+H)

Product Name & Composition

Inj. ADVIT – DE + H

Each ml contains: Vitamin A  250,000 I.U + Vitamin D3  25,000 I.U + Vitamin E 100 I.U + Vitamin H (Biotin) 12.5 mg        


10 ml Vial


ADVIT-DE-H is an injection to promote Maintenance, Growth, Lactation, Reproduction and well being of animals.  Vitamin A is essential for normal functioning of the epithelial cells. Vitamin D3 is essential for growth and absorption of Calcium Vitamin E is an antioxidant and helps in the treatment of Muscular Dystrophy Vitamin H is a nitrogen-containing acid essential for growth and well-being in animals. It also helps in gluconeogenesis. Sesame oil used for better animal compliance.

Administration & Dosage

For I.M Use only [Deep I/M route]

Large Animals:  5ml /day for Prophylaxis and 10 ml for treatment

Small Animals:  1-2 ml / day as  Prophylaxis and 2- 4 ml for treatment.

To be given on alternate days for 2 weeks. It should be repeated after 4 weeks if needed. Contra Indicated in Neonates.
