Meloxicam ( INJ. MELOX VET)

Gentamicin Sulphate (Gentamor Vet)

Product Name & Composition

Inj. MELOX Vet
Each ml contains: Meloxicam 5 mg


100ml, 30ml Vial


Melox Vet is a non-steroidal anti inflammatory drug, which selectively inhibits the COX -2 enzyme. It has no side effects. It is indicated in inflammatory conditions associated with Pneumonia, Broncho pneumonia, Pleuritis, Mastitis, Prolapse of Uterus, Sprain, Laminitis, Myositis, Arthritis, surgical interventions and Otitis. It is use to reduce inflammatory muscular pain and fever.

Contra indicated during Late Pregnancy.

Administration & Dosage

By I/M, I/V or S/C
Large Animals: Prolapse and Pneumonia: 0.5 mg/ Kg. Body.wt ( 30 ml / 300 Kg B.Wt)